There are a thousand and one gurus out there who will all tell you how to make money. They will tell you you need to:
- Run Ads
- Write Emails
- Do Facebook Lives
- Do TikTok
- Do Every Other Kind of Social Media
- Create Quizzes
- Run Memberships
And the list goes on and on.
It’s a lot of things to juggle for the lonely solopreneur who is struggling to get seen online and produce something of value for others to purchase so that they can make a living.
But I’ll tell you, one of the most important tools we’ve learned to build in our business is an online Digital Course.
First, before we get too far, this blog post may contain links to products that we have tried and liked. If you click on the link and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission, which does not increase the price for you nor directly affect whether or not we recommend the product. (We’ll even tell you which products we DIDn’t like and let you make your own evaluations!)

The Experience Product Masterclass by Marisa Murgatroyd
And I learned how to from one of the best!
Marisa Murgatroyd runs her Experience Product Masterclass every year, starting in late October and ending in January. She fills her class with the best kind of mentors and coaches to lead her students and she delivers powerhouse presentations on how to really make a digital course WORK. (Not to mention the whole “meta” experience of seeing a digital course IN ACTION….)
Not just that, but she and her husband Murray also teach you about their unique brand of digital courses which are specially designed to keep a student’s attention, encourage them to engage more, and (hopefully!) finish the course inspired to buy from you again.
My Experience with the Course
Now, I must admit, the course that I intended to build back in 2021 when I first encountered Marisa is still not completed. (It was a GREAT idea….but I couldn’t figure out how to market it and get people interested….and then I got distracted doing other things…..excuses…..excuses….)
But, since that time, I have used the skills I learned in the Experience Product Masterclass to not only build a better course that helps people work through their crypto taxes on their own, but I’ve also used it to build two mini courses that we can share as “lead magnets” with future customers so that they get a taste of what we’re about and if we’re the right gurus to help them with their problems.

Community and Inspiration
Being a part of the Experience Product Masterclass community is also an amazing experience: to be surrounded by so many new and expert entrepreneurs creating courses that will change the world for many people. (I still follow and admire several of my classmates who have gone on to do great things!)
I’ve taken other classes on how to create a digital course, and all of them offer a piece of the puzzle, but none of them are as comprehensive, as awe-inspiring, and as community driven as the experience of working through EPM with the latest cohort.
I’m not afraid to say that Marisa is one of my heroes, one of my role models. She definitely showed me that it’s ok to be who I am and that I DO have something valuable to share with the world.

Caveats and Tips
But, if you are looking into joining the Experience Product Masterclass, there are a couple caveats to watch out for:
This class is not cheap! Don’t buy it if you don’t have time to attend the weekly coaching so that you can get the most out of it. (Small group coachings occur once a week and there are usually two or three large group coachings per week also!)
Be prepared to work hard. It’s not easy to refine your ideas and turn them into something great, although it’s totally worth the effort!
Ask questions. Participate in the Facebook community. Get feedback and interact. The people surrounding you are excellent people to partner with on future projects.
Go all in. Yes, there’s a money back guarantee, but you have to work a LOT to get your money back. By the time I finished the course and did not meet my goal, I had learned so much that I didn’t think it was fair to ask for my money back. (AND I hadn’t kept the records I needed to claim that I had put the effort in and still failed so could I please have my money back….)
In Conclusion
In summary: DON’T buy this course if you’re not going to commit. It’s too expensive for that. But DO buy this course if you want to learn from the best about how to make a digital course the RIGHT way and how to grow into a businessperson to be reckoned with in the future!
If you’re reading this post in October, Marisa is usually running her annual launch which involves workshops, presentations, PDFs, and more great, free resources. I highly recommend you attend at least a couple of events and see what you can learn. You might just discover that her style really resonates with you and you’re ready to take the next step.
And if you purchase after clicking on our affiliate link, not only will we be very grateful to you for the commissions we will earn (that don’t cost you anything), but we would be happy to support you in your quest for entrepreneurship. Contact us directly to find out what we are offering as a bonus for people who purchase through our link.
For 2023’s Intake
For 2023’s intake: did we mention that we are now experts on setting up Experience Products inside Xperiencify? If you’d like help designing your course, customizing your course pages, prepping for setup, or planning out what assets you need BEFORE you begin uploading your course, purchase through us by checking the links below and we’ll provide three hours of whatever you think you need!

Get The Simple Formula for Creating Ultra-Profitable Courses
This blog post contains affiliate links. If you click through any links and purchase something, I may earn a commission at no cost to you.
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